Ongoing support from Trusts and Foundations is hugely important to Beacon Arts Centre.
We continue to focus on fundraising from a variety of sources. This is key in helping us to sustain and develop our activities, especially those for members of the community with the least ability to pay, whether individuals or groups, and in support of the work of emerging and early stage artists.
We are grateful for the continued support from our project partners, major contributors, supporters and donors whose generosity has helped us – and will continue to help us – to light up lives in Inverclyde.
Special thanks to our past and current project partners:
Inverclyde Council, Riverside Inverclyde, Creative Scotland, Big Lottery, Social Investment Scotland.
And thank you to our past and current major contributors:
The Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation, The Bacher Trust, The Badenoch Trust, The Barcapel Foundation, BEMIS Scotland, The Binks Trust, The W A Cargill Fund, The Cattanach Charitable Trust, The Cruden Foundation Limited, Education Scotland, The Foyle Foundation, The Gannochy Trust, The Garfield Weston Foundation, The Hector Gordon Russell Trust, The Hugh Fraser Foundation, Inverclyde HSCP, The MacRobert Trust, The Moffat Trust, The Robertson Trust, Youthlink Scotland, Colin and Melba Bryce, Ronald H Higgs, Texas Instruments, Colin and Chris Weir.
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