Whether you want to say ‘I love you’ or ‘I remember you’ or simply ‘I love the Beacon!’, if you ‘Take a seat ‘in the main auditorium, we’ll fit it with a plaque inscribed with your name and special message.
We’ll use your donation to support critical aspects of our work, from staging shows to supporting our fantastic Take part programme of activities. You can ‘Take a seat’ with a one-off donation of £500 or a £600 donation spread over 60 monthly payments of £10.
Interested in taking a seat? Please contact Lisa McRuvie, Marketing Manager by emailing lisa@beaconartscentre.co.uk or by calling 01475 723723.
You'll receive our monthly newsletter and a digital version of our season brouchure, along with show updates, pre show-emails and post-show surveys.