BYT - Glowbugs (5-8)

Unreserved 20
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Sat 11 Jan: 10:45am

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Sat 18 Jan: 10:45am

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Sat 25 Jan: 10:45am

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Sat 1 Feb: 10:45am

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Sat 8 Feb: 10:45am

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Sat 22 Feb: 10:45am

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Suitable for ages 5-8

Saturdays 10:45-11:30am

Our young performers will have the opportunity to create vibrant new pieces of theatre, explore different approaches to storytelling, take part in festivals and special events, and have the opportunity to perform in our state of the art professional theatre. But it’s not just about what happens onstage; Youth Theatre is a great way of encouraging children and young people to express themselves, work with others, build confidence and most importantly, have fun!

In addition to regular classes, our Youth Theatre members also have the opportunity to work with visiting artists, build relationships with other drama groups and trainers, and receive special offers for upcoming shows.

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